Gold gains into the US CPI?

US CPI is expected to pull back to 3.6% from Augustโ€™s print of 3.7% and the core is expected to fall for the sixth month in a row down to 4.1% from the prior reading of 4.3%. This should keep yields and the USD mildly pressured. However, at the moment, due to the unexpected attacks by Hamas on Israel there is a flight to safety into global bonds and into gold. So, thatโ€™s why goldโ€™s seasonal pattern is very interesting heading into the US CPI event.  

Over the last 10 years, in the 3 days prior to the US CPI print, gold has gained 57.50% of the time. So, with goldโ€™s bias for gains – will we see more gold upside heading into the US CPI print on Thursday? 

Major Trade Risks: 
The major trade risks here is that yields rise on higher US interest rate fears and the USD gains too pushing real yields higher.  

Remember donโ€™t just trade it, Seasonax it!