

Sell in May and Go Away!

Article in German Does this rule actually work? To find out whether it does, we have reviewed the stock market’s performance during the summer period from May to October and compared it to the performance during the winter period from…

The Benefits of Seasonal Compounding

Having a glimpse at our previous articles, you might have noticed that seasonal market trends are not unique to a handful of companies, but are a widespread phenomenon that many markets accommodate, often unknowingly. Trading on a stock that exhibits…

Christmas Crash or Santa Claus Rally?

Article in German Every year a certain stock market phenomenon is said to recur, anticipated with excitement by investors: the so-called Santa Claus rally. It is held that stock prices typically rise quite frequently and particularly strongly just before the…

Festive Cheer for Precious Metals

Prices in financial and commodity markets exhibit seasonal trends. We have for example shown you how stocks of pharmaceutical companies tend to rise in summer due to higher demand, or the end-of-year rally phenomenon (last issue), which can be observed…