Dimitri Speck

Dimitri Speck

Dimitri Speck is a renowned financial analyst and fund manager, who has earned accolades for his innovative seasonal investment strategy. Dimitri is a prolific writer, with one of the biggest stock market letters in Germany, along with several books. He won several awards, including the Hedge Fund Journal’s award for the best European commodity fund in 2013 and the Scope Innovations Award in 2018.
gold bars and coins

Gold Performance Over the Year and the Month

Around 50% of current gold production flows into jewelry production. This has a considerable influence on the price of gold. The Indian wedding season in autumn, the Christmas season and the Chinese New Year increase the demand for gold for jewelry production, with purchases by jewelers taking place in the run-up to the respective festivities.

4-Year Election Cycle: How will 2024 go?

The turn of the year, 2023 into 2024, is just around the corner. As an investor, you may well be wondering what the new year will be like. In terms of politics, the US presidential elections are approaching. Although the new - or old - president will not be inaugurated until 2025, elections also influence share prices in their run up. This election cycle is in fact known as the four-year cycle.