Seasonal Insights

Stay ahead of the markets by subscribing to our bi-weekly Seasonal Insights. Led by our  Co-Founders Dimitri Speck and Tea Muratovic, this free newsletter will keep you up to date on the latest seasonal market trends and topics all year round.

The Weakest Month has Begun!

At the beginning of August, the stock markets suffered a collapse. In fact, August is a seasonally weak month – since 1970 it has been the second weakest in the annual cycle. But there is an even weaker month: September.
wall street sign

Seasonality Works!

Last month’s issue was titled "Volatility: The Calm Before the Storm?". It explained that volatility mostly increased seasonally in the period from mid-July. It also stated that the "purchase of volatility products" is possibly appropriate.

Hot Stocks for the Hot Summer

The stock market doesn't take a holiday, but understanding how seasonality affects financial markets can help you make some smart summer moves. Let's dive into the world of summer stocks, and discover why certain stocks shine brighter during this season.
gold bars and coins

Gold Performance Over the Year and the Month

Around 50% of current gold production flows into jewelry production. This has a considerable influence on the price of gold. The Indian wedding season in autumn, the Christmas season and the Chinese New Year increase the demand for gold for jewelry production, with purchases by jewelers taking place in the run-up to the respective festivities.

“Sell in May”: Myth or Real Market Mover?

The legend says that the phrase originally came from an old English saying: "Sell in May and go away, and come back on St. Leger's Day." This advice was linked to British aristocrats who used to leave the hot city of London during the summer and return after the St. Leger's Stakes horse race in September. What began as a lifestyle choice for the wealthy has turned into a financial strategy observed in stock markets globally.