Seasonal Insights

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White Gold Fever: Riding the Lithium Wave in the Stock Market

Silver-white, light, and highly reactive, lithium might not be the most famous element on the periodic table, but it is definitely one of the most influential at present in shaping our modern world. As the crucial ingredient of lithium-ion batteries, that power everything from your smartphone to electric vehicles (EVs), lithium has gained the status of the "white gold" of the 21st century.

“Wining and Dining” on the Stock Exchange

With Memorial Day marking the unofficial start of the summer season in the United States, it's not only outdoor activities, vacations and barbecues that see a spike in consumer spending. The "Wining and Dining" sector, a combination of the beverage and restaurant industries, also experiences a significant surge, as people indulge in festive meals, chilled drinks, and dine-out experiences. This increase in consumer spending often serves as a catalyst for summer growth in related stock sectors.